10 Aesthetic Secrets That Astound You
How do you take care of your skin year round? Have a look into the best tips & tricks to keep your skin looking natural and fresh in every season.
21 Ultimate Fan Tattoos
Love something enough to get it permanently tattooed to your skin? These Ultimate Fans certainly do…
5 Most Painful Places to Get a Tattoo
Tattooing involves punching needles through the outer layer of skin to drive ink into the dermis – the deeper layer where nerves and blood vessels are rife. In short – it’s a painful process, no matter where you get one. However for many, pain can vary based on where on your body you want your […]
5 Least Painful Places to Get a Tattoo
Because tattoos are painful enough anyway! Why not make things slightly easier and opt for an area of the body that won’t hurt as much?
Top 10 Most Regrettable Tattoos
Tattoos used to be a permanency, but thanks to laser tattoo removal, even the most regrettable ink can be cleaned away. Here’s 10 tattoos that probably need the treatment…
How To Remove Dark Circles With Makeup: 4 Simple Tips
We’ve all looked in the mirror and seen hollow dark eyes looking back at us. Whether it’s a stubborn problem or just a one-off after a rough night’s sleep, dark circles around the eyes are a bore.
Should I Have Preventative Botox?
Wondering when to start to botox treatment? Is getting started young the right answer to staving off wrinkles?
How To Get Rid of Dry Skin
Moisturisers claiming to be the most effective remedy for dry skin are all to common. When chilly weather wreaks havoc on our skin, it’s easy to reach for the rich creams or soothing balms. But is that really the best way to tackle a dry complexion? Well, not necessarily.
Smoking Side Effects: 5 Best Treatments to Combat Lip Wrinkles
Fine lines around the mouth and lip wrinkles are another charming side effect of smoking – along with the damage to your heart and lungs, the eye-watering cost, and the smell. The toxins in smoke degrade collagen in the skin, which then leads to more lines and wrinkles, particularly around the mouth. MFMB spoke to […]
Botox In A Bottle: Fact Or Fiction?
Can a cream have the same effect as botox? Right now, that’s a tricky question. In the past, the answer has always been a categorical no. If a beautician or department store sales assistant tries to hit you with the phrase “this is a miracle cream – it’s like botox in a bottle”, don’t believe […]