What Is Mesotherapy?


Mesotherapy is a technique that involves having lots of tiny injections to reduce unwanted fat and cellulite and improve skin tone and texture. Although its popularity is only now beginning to grow in the UK, the treatment is very popular in Europe, especially in France where it was first discovered for use in general medicine. The fluid injected is a cocktail of vitamins, amino acids and medications, which are injected millimetres under the skin to break down fat. The treatment is particularly good for dealing with cellulite but can also minimise fat on the stomach, thighs, chin and love handles. The mesotherapy treatment takes around 30-45 minutes depending on the size of the area being treated and you will need a course of treatments to get the best results. Mesotherapy has now been used successfully by some practitioners for the treatment of cosmetic conditions, including skin rejuvenation and improvement, hair regrowth, localised fat reduction and as a treatment for cellulite.





Mesotherapy is a very safe treatment with little or no risks so pretty much anyone can benefit from the treatment. It is best suited to improving skin tone and texture and targeting cellulite and stubborn areas of unwanted fat. The ideal candidate for fat reduction treatment would be near or at their ideal body weight with small areas of stubborn, localised fat that cannot be shifted with diet and exercise. There are no real contraindications to treatment with mesotherapy however, as with all treatments, pregnant women are advised to wait until after they have given birth and stopped breast feeding. People suffering from cancer and those with heart disease are also not advised to have treatment. No-needle mesotherapy is not advisable for people who suffer from epilepsy, or who have a pacemaker, as it uses an electrical current. Mesotherapy will not be an effective treatment for those people who have loose or hanging skin.

Side effects with mesotherapy are extremely rare. You may get slight redness or swelling around the injection site if you have had traditional mesotherapy, but this usually resolves itself within a couple of days.

There is also a small possibility that you may be allergic to some of the ingredients used. If you suffer from allergies, you may need to have a patch test before going ahead with treatment.

Before you undergo mesotherapy you will need to have a consultation with a mesotherapy practitioner. The treatment can be performed by any suitably trained medical practitioner. During your consultation they will be able to decide if the treatment is right for you. It is a good idea to ask if they have any before and after images so you can get an idea of what kind of results they have got with other patients. You will usually be given a consent form to sign to make sure you fully understand what the procedure involves and any possible risks and side effects.

How the treatment is performed will depend on what type of mesotherapy you are having.

Traditional mesotherapy involves a series of very small (micro) injections into the area being treated. The treatment is done using a very fine hand-held needle or a ‘meso-gun’ and is virtually painless. The practitioner will inject measured amounts of different medications just under the skin. In facial treatments hyaluronic acid ids often used to hydrate, nourish and feed the skin to improve its tone and texture. Puncturing the skin with micro injections is also thought to induce new collagen production in the skin. For body treatments active ingredients that help to break down cellulite and localised trapped fat and improve circulation, lymphatic and venous drainage are used. The treatment takes around 30-45 minutes, depending on the size of the treated area. A course of up to eight treatments is usually required at one to two weekly intervals.

With no needle mesotherapy the cocktail of ingredients is applied directly onto the skin. An electrical current is then used to ‘push’ the ingredients through the skin. This treatment is virtually pain free and is ideal for people who don’t like needles. The procedure takes about half an hour and you will usually need a course at weekly intervals to achieve the full effect.

The side effects of the treatment are relatively minor and some people experience no side effects at all so you can return to your normal daily routine or work afterwards.