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Setting Up Your Yelp Page Properly


For businesses, Yelp is one of the most important sites to have a good standing with as it can literally make or break the traffic that comes through to your establishment. Today, we’re going to cover setting up your Yelp page, as well as maintaining it and how to publicly answer any complaints if you come across them.

As far as setting up your actual page and information, it’s fairly simple. Just go to their site and search for your business to see if someone has already put it on there. If no one has, then click this button that says “Add your business to Yelp”. Fill out the forms with any pertinent information relating to your business and double to check for any mistakes, as this will be viewable to anyone searching in your area immediately after you submit it. Once you’re finished, hit “Add Business” and that’s it! You’re done!

Maintaining Page and Responding to Reviewers:
As simple as it may sound, maintaining a good status on Yelp with at least 4+ stars is directly correlated to how much people are liking your service and the vibe that’s given off when interacting with any of your staff. The nicer the staff is, the less of a chance you have of someone writing a bad review. If you take a look at some unfavorable reviews from other Yelp pages, you’ll notice that many times the low score and complaints given have to do with rude staff members interacting with customers poorly or negligent service that makes the customer feel unheard. Basically, make sure your staff is polite and attentive at all times and that if something gets messed up, they remain cool and sincerely apologize to the customer. If good customer service is made a priority, then even in the even of a mistake, the customer is less likely to remain angry and take it to your Yelp page to write a damning review. As far as responding to certain negative reviewers, you need to make sure that your tone constantly remains empathetic and understanding, even if they are being indecent or unreasonable. Always give off the vibe that you are there to help make things right if they happen to have went wrong. People will see your responses to any reviewers highlighted and boosted to the top, so it’s crucial to keep your tone consistent and pleasant. Don’t let personal frustrations translate to the response – it’s really not a good look and will dissuade potential future customers from coming to you.

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