Our faces communicate to the world around us, and our skin is important to where we are in terms of our health and age. It’s a no brainer, we all want younger looking skin with the ever-desirable youthful glow.
Skin care retailer Dermstore recently conducted a survey asking 2,000 American women about the fight against aging. The results show that the age most women begin to start thinking about anti-aging is now much younger. The survey results report that more than 30% of women under the age of 35 use anti-aging skin care products on a regular basis.
While this number is a realistic one, another interesting statistic from the study highlights how much more of a focus millennials are putting on anti-aging, and it turns out to be so much more than their mothers/grandmothers ever did.
According to the findings, millennials age between 25-35 stated that they started using anti-aging products as early as 26 years old. Their older counterparts, ages 55 and over, said that the average age they began relying on anti-aging products was aged 47.
While this information isn’t hugely surprising, it does show just how much the approach to aging has changed from one generation to the next. As skin care and anti-aging industries continue to market solutions to a much younger demographic, compared with other past decades gone by, such numbers and stats prove that those efforts are indeed working.
To further emphasize the point, the survey shows that 42% of women ages 25-34 and 54% of those aged 35-44 worry about signs of aging, such as lines, wrinkles and a loss in facial volume.
Over a quarter of the millennial (28%) women that were surveyed, under the age of 25, went on to admit that they too regularly worry about how aging takes a toll on their skin.
As we age, there is an increased breakdown of collagen and elastin that naturally happens over time – these being the proteins responsible for our skin’s strength and ability to “snap back” in to place.
Due to genetics, and often poor lifestyles choices, these fine lines, folds and wrinkles become more pronounced, which varies from person to person (some of us get lucky!).
Wrinkles are pretty much an unavoidable part of aging, and contrary to popular belief, a surgical facelift and/or botox is not the only solution available to smoothing out your wrinkles.
Some of the best treatments for wrinkles are actually non-invasive and do not require going under the knife, including…
- Microdermabrasion
- Ultrasound Therapy
- Laser Peels
- Microneedling
- Retinoids
…and many more!
So, we know that there are non-invasive options available to combat signs of aging – but how much do you really know about wrinkles?
Discover the infographic below, provided by Venn Healthcare, on everything you possibly need to know about wrinkles, including what wrinkles truly are, how they are caused, the different types of wrinkles we gain and a ton of other interesting stats from various other online surveys…
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